domingo, 17 de febrero de 2013

Varios - "Nublomenaje a Iggy & The Stooges"

Varios - "Nublomenaje a Iggy & The Stooges"

01 Uncle Tupelo  - I Wanna Be Your Dog
02 Fuzztones - Down On The Street
03 Dictators  - Search and Destroy
04 Birthday Party - Loose
05 Nick Curran & The Nitelifes - No Fun
06 lenny kaye -  we will fall
07 Joey Ramone - 1969
09 Rudi Protrudi & Craig Moore With The Others - Gimme Danger
10 Texas Terri  - Shake Appeal
11 Nomads  - Real Cool Time
12 Hard-Ons - 1970
13  jayne county -  down on the street-little doll
14 Parálisis Permanente - Quiero ser tu perro

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